Kickoff "Leergemeenschap Onderzoeksmethodologie"

In research, typically we want to have a good control over participants in our experiments. Consciously or unconsciously we are excluding many types of persons and our experiments do not represent society as a whole. Often people with a lower socio-economical status are excluded as our research design does not feel comfortable to them.

In this learning environment lead by Lineke van Hal and myself, we want to create awareness and discuss with researchers and teachers how we can improve our processes and make it more accessible to everyone. There are many things that we can do to improve this situation. Lineke brings her experience with qualitative solutions, such as how to include your target group in every phase of the research. I will also think about quantitative solutions, when we are working with data of which we know it is biased.

On the 18th of June we will have a kick-off for our HAN “Leergemeenschap Onderzoeksmethodologie”. In this collaboration, Lineke van Hal and myself aim to bring awareness and create a learning environment

We were also interviewed by Margriet van Aalten, which you can find here (in Dutch)