Maya Sappelli
Data Science Researcher @ HAN University of Applied Sciences

Ruitenberglaan 26
Hi, I am an Applied Data Science Researcher with a focus on text mining. This has everything to do with my background in Artificial Intelligence which I have combined with a study in Linguistics. From 2011-2015 I was a PhD student working at TNO on a COMMIT-funded project SWELL project. My dissertation is titled ‘Knowledge Work in Context: User Centered Knowledge Worker Support’ and was aimed at supporting knowledge workers battle their information overload.
After my PhD I have worked at TNO on several research projects related to Machine Learning, Recommender Systems, HCI, Text Classification, Topic Modeling and Information Retrieval. Moreover, I did a cool project on personalized news summarization at FD Mediagroep.
Currently, I am working at HAN (University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem/Nijmegen) with the research group Data & Knowledge Engineering. I am working on several projects related to data science in general or text mining. We are also developing a master in Applied Data Science. See projects for more info!